KTBA Donates Reeds and Method Books to Jr. High Classroom

KTBA Funds Reed and Method Book Program VILLE PLATTE, LA – Thanks to your donations, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation funded instrument reeds and brand new method books to Mr. James Price’s music program at Ville Platte High School. About the Project In order to make my students’ (and my school budget’s) lives a bit easier, I am looking for some assistance in picking up reeds and method books for my elementary, middle, and high school band programs,” Mr. James Price inquires.  “The elementary, middle, and high schools are currently beginning the rebuilding process. Most of the students in our program are in need of some form of assistance. Anything helps. This donor’s program will help ease the cost on some families who would otherwise not be able to let their children participate! We are thankful for anything you would be willing to donate!” As one could imagine, many families are tasked with the burden of funding all their little niños’ adventures in school which also includes music instruments. Those that have multiple children understand the burden of trying to give their children more opportunities to learn different skills but trying to make that money stretch! Thanks to the generous donations from music lovers like YOU, KTBA was able to fully fund Mr. Price’s project. Now, at least a few dozen families will be able to allow their child to participate in music programs because of this expense being covered! Mr. Price expresses his gratitude: Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, Inc., I am utterly blown away by your generosity and kindness in our journey to build the VPHS band program. With your support, we are achieving amazing new heights and it is all because of amazing people like you. Know that all donations are going directly to the students, and are immensely appreciated!! With gratitude, Mr. Price About Us Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation is a 501c3 organization that makes a donation to a school in need of music instruments, supplies, sheet music, and more every week! Your donation helps us to keep music in schools, while preserving blues heritage. Without your support, we would not be able to reach as many students around the country. We are grateful for your generosity. If you would like to help us fund next week’s project, click here to make a donation! Under CAMPAIGN, select “General Support” which funds the Music Education General Fund for our music projects. All donations are fully tax-deductible! Thank you for keeping music education in schools!

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KTBA Foundation Drums Up Support for Drum Circle

Crawford Elementary Students Receive New Drums ARCADIA, LA – Thanks to your donations, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation raised $422 to purchase brand new REMO drums for elementary students at Crawford Elementary in Arcadia, Louisiana! “At my elementary school, I teach Pre-K through 5th-grade general music,” says Mrs. Katelyn Vining. Katelyn teaches music at Crawford Elementary School. Click here to visit Crawford Elementary on Facebook “My students come from low-income households and deserve the best music education that I can provide to them. In my classroom we usually sing but [singing in groups together] has been put off due to Covid restrictions. However, we study music history, music around the world, and famous composers. [In addition,] we also make music with body percussion and bucket drums. My students are my passion. They are so excited to be back at school because students really enjoy music class in addition to the new activities with drums we are doing this year.” Making a Difference In drum circles, participants bring any form of percussion they can find. This includes bongos, objects that chime, things that shake, and anything that makes a sound. If there aren’t any solid objects available, one can clap or use their bodies as drums, too! Mrs. Vining’s elementary class has their own way of forming drum circles. “In a drum circle students choose their instrument and have an opportunity to explore. Students learn to keep a steady beat, match, mirror, and echo rhythms played by others, and have fun. Building social skills is an important part of school’s unwritten curriculum. Children often learn through modeling skills and behaviors. Some examples are sharing toys or crayons to accepting and appreciating the differences in other students. Drumming provides a hands-on demonstration of how to work as a group, interact on an equal level and become a full part of the cooperative illustration that the myriad of drums can provide as students each add a unique voice to a collective song. These social skills help build self-confidence and a feeling of belonging among peers. What’s the big deal? Music and drumming give the player the ability to interpret joy into upbeat rhythms or anger into the heavy and rapid pounding of the drums. Drumming can be especially beneficial for students facing depression, emotional crisis or trauma. In addition, music provides a healthy way to process difficult emotional responses. Those emotions can otherwise erupt into destructive behaviors.” By funding Mrs. Vining’s project, KTBA proudly steps in to provide her and her classroom much needed support as they manage to produce eager young musicians using a very limited school budget for music and arts programs. Not only do we support the bottom (green) line but we also provide emotional support as students look forward to participating in this group setting with their peers. Attitude of Gratitude Thanks to music lovers like you, Mrs. Vining and her students are able to enjoy these drums together. Your donation made approximately 300 students happier and fulfilled! Mrs. Vining expresses her gratitude: “Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, Inc., Thank you so much for your generosity and support of my classroom! The drums you have helped us receive are going to add so much value to our music room for years and years to come! Percussion instruments have been a lifesaver in our classroom due to covid restrictions on singing. We appreciate this gift so much. With gratitude, Mrs. Vining” Every week, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation donates to a school in need of music supplies, instruments, sheet music and more! To help us fund next week’s project, please click here to make a donation: CLICK HERE

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KTBA Donates Method Books in Bunkie, Louisiana

KTBA Donates Instrumental Method Books to Band Program Method Book Madness in Bunkie, Louisiana BUNKIE, LA – Thanks to your donations, Keeping the Blues Alive donated instrumental method books to the band students at Bunkie Magnet High School! About the Students “My students are some of the most fun, ambitious, creative, and thoughtful kiddos I’ve ever worked with!” Mrs. Reppond exclaims. Mrs. Megan Reppond is the Band Director at Bunkie High School. “Though our school district is the lowest-funded districts in the state, we are the number one district in growth! This means our students are eager to learn and better themselves every day.” Bunkie High School is now a ‘B’ rated school! In spite of the challenges that many of the students face at home, they still manage to thrive and seek excellence during music class. Mrs. Reppond was beaming. “These kids are so enlivened by what they get to do in band and they are willing to go the extra mile to help each other and support their program. They are truly something special,” she says. About the Project In order to match the skill level of all the students, Mrs. Reppond decided that she needed to expand her repertoire. However, with limited funding available, she needed to reach out for help. “This past year, I felt a little bad for my high schoolers because our method books were too easy for some and too difficult for the beginners in the same class,” Reppond explains. “Now, we have enough advanced high schoolers that we can begin to start learning from a more challenging book, so I know they will be thrilled to move forward a little faster!” The Essentials for Band books will guide students through learning to play more advanced rhythms, new key signatures, more technical studies, and expand their range. These books are a staple for many music classes – not just at Bunkie High School. The books are the second compilation in the series which builds upon previously taught concepts from the first book. “I think the structure of the Essential Elements 2000 books is outstanding, and I know that my students will appreciate them more once they feel the challenge of something more rigorous. I am hoping they find [the content challenging] in these new editions. Click here to visit Mrs. Reppond’s Band Page Attitude of Gratitude Eager to express her gratitude, Mrs. Reppond sent this note: Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, Inc., Thank you for your generous donations! This project got funded with only TWO donations, which is AMAZING!!! Thank you so much to those who donated and made this possible. My more advanced students will be thrilled to have some new challenges, and this will be especially helpful when planning for quizzes or sight reading activities. With gratitude, Mrs. Reppond Every week, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation donates to a school in need of music supplies, instruments, sheet music and more! To help us fund next week’s project, please click here to make a donation: CLICK HERE

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