
KTBA Foundation Supports Music Learning Through Strumming

Elementary School Students Receive New Guitars for Music Program! MAXTON, NC – Thanks to the donations from supporters like you, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation donated three (3) new guitars to the music students at J. W. Arnold Elementary School! About the Teacher and her Students “The students that I teach are eager to learn music,” say Ms. Saxton. “They are an awesome group of students who love learning about music. When the students come into the music room, they have so much excitement and joy for music that they always put a smile on my face. The students I teach go above and beyond the expectations that I set for them. The students I teach are always willing to help each other become the best music students. They love to come to music class because they will get a fun experience learning about music. The students I teach are so excited to learn that they always look forward to coming to music.” About the Project “If my students receive the guitars, they will be able to learn how to perform on instruments alone and with others in different varieties of music. Students need to be able to play by themselves and with others in order to see if they can understand what is being taught to them. They will also be able to understand timbre which is the sounds the guitar produces when it is being strummed.” Attitude of Gratitude Thanks to the support of music lovers and donors like you, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation was able to fund Ms. Saxton’s project and the guitars are in good (little) hands! Ms. Saxton expresses her gratitude: Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, Inc., I would like to thank you for making a donation towards my project. Because of your generous donations, my students will have the opportunity to learn how to read music while also learning how to play the guitars. Again on behalf of myself and my students, we can’t thank you enough for donating to my my project. You are simply the best!! With gratitude, Ms. Saxton Support our Weekly Donation Program Every week, Keeping the Blues Alive makes a donation to schools in need of music instruments, supplies, sheet music, and more. Beginning as far back as 2015 (and pausing in 2020), we had been increasing the amount of weekly allocations. Now, we’re getting back on track with our weekly contributions but we do need help to keep this program afloat! So far, we have funded over 550 projects and we anticipate being able to hit 600 this year! BIG NUMBERS! If you enjoy seeing these weekly donations to classrooms across the country, please consider becoming a monthly donor to support this mission. Thank you for keeping music alive in schools! TO DONATE click here.

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KTBA Fosters Hispanic Culture Through Guitar Donations

HOUSTON, TX – Thanks to your donations, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation donated six (6) Full Size Beginner Guitars to middle school students at Edison Middle School in Houston, TX. Edison Middle is a Title I school located in Houston’s East End. Ms. Ronda Pohner teaches band; however, she wanted to bridge the gap for students who took up interest in guitar in elementary school, but didn’t have a guitar program between elementary and high school. “My students are from a Title I school in the heart of Houston, Texas,” Ms. Pohner said. “They are enthusiastic about learning how to play musical instruments.  [They] are curious learners and ready to take on new and exciting experiences that expand their musical abilities. This project will bring the learning experience to middle school students who often come to me from their elementary schools with guitar experience. The feeder high school offers a guitar program. Unfortunately, there isn’t a guitar program at the middle school level. Students are often forced to choose to either give up the guitar or learn how to play a wind instrument. My goal is to bridge that gap between elementary and high school guitar programs by offering a classical guitar program to middle schoolers after school at first and then eventually as an ensemble class, in lieu of one of my band classes. Students can take them home to practice.” With six new guitars, it will become easier to have group sessions with the students and although guitar strings and accessories aren’t cheap, there are bulk deals that can be worked out so that they can continue learning how to switch out strings and tune the guitars regularly. “We are definitely ready to learn and explore the vibrant genres and cultures of classical guitar!” she exclaims. Thanks to the re-instatement of the Weekly Donation Program at KTBA, we were able to complete the fundraising cycle for Ms. Pohner’s classroom.  Her guitars arrived safely and the students are already digging into their lessons! Ms. Ronda expresses her gratitude: Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, Inc., I would like to sincerely thank everyone who donated to my project. I have an incredible amount of students who asked to learn how to play guitar. With this project, I can help students achieve their dreams! My dream was to bridge that gap between elementary and high school guitar programs at the middle school level! You helped me do just that! With gratitude, Ms. Pohner COVID-19 completely decimated the donation program but, ladies and gentlemen, we’re back! If you’d like to make a donation, please consider using this donation form to send us a small gift to keep it going! It’s music lovers and blues fans like yourselves which keep the flames of music education burning in schools across the country. Sincerely, SH

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KTBA Sends Supplies to Buffalo, NY Music Program

BUFFALO, NEW YORK – Thanks to your donations, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation has supplied students at P.S. 207 Lafayette International High School with two new Casio keyboards, an acoustic guitar, and a classroom set of headphones for private practice! The impact of the keyboards is felt by hundreds of students who come into class searching for outlets for self-expression, esteem, and accomplishment. They felt so motivated to make changes in the music classroom that they teamed up to be advocates for their own cause and benefit. By taking matters in to their own hands, they showed determination and assertiveness. Mr. Silvis’ sheds some light on their commitment.  “Students in my advisory class interviewed teachers, researched items, made budgets, and wrote proposals to complete this application as a service project for other teachers around my school,” says Mr. Jason Silvis. These are their words: Dear Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation, Our school represents diversity. We are refugees and immigrants from all over the world. We are all bilingual and there are over 19 languages spoken at our school. We are all English learners and receive free lunches. What makes [us] special is that although we come from tough backgrounds, we work extremely hard to overcome the challenges to be successful in this country. Our students really need instruments because there are a lot of students, and we don’t have enough instruments for everyone. Music class is so big and our teacher wants everyone to participate. There are about 200 students who will benefit from these materials.  We would like to get headphones to listen to music.  Also, we would like to get Casio keyboards for students so we can play together and we would also like a guitar because many students want to learn how to play guitar. Finally, we need pencils for students that don’t have pencils. Our students really like music class. Please help us get those materials so we can learn more about music and about expressing ourselves. -Students of P.S. 207 Thanks to the generosity of Joe Bonamassa fans and music lovers like you, we were able to successfully fund Mr. Silvis and his students’ project.  Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, Inc., Thank you so much for funding our project. This will allow our music teacher to engage more students and teach guitar! Her students will be so excited, and my students who wrote the proposal will be so excited as well. Thank you for taking your time and your donations to help us! With gratitude, Mr. Silvis Keeping the Blues Alive is a 501c3 organization that makes a donation to a school in need of music instruments, supplies, sheet music, and more every week! Your donations help us keep music in schools, while preserving blues heritage.  In order to keep the ball rolling, we appreciate your donations to keep music education funding alive in schools across the country. If you would like to help us to continue to make an impact on music education in America, click here to make a donation! All donations are fully tax-deductible and go to a GREAT cause!  You can also check out our SUBMISSIONS page; make sure to send it to your local music teachers if you have a specific project in mind. Thank you for supporting music education for the next generation!  

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KTBA Donates Classroom Set of Guitars in Youngstown, OH

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO – Thanks to your donations, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation donated ten (10) brand new starter guitars to the music students at Stambaugh Charter Academy! “I am excited to be starting a strings program at my school,” Ms. Haldi explains. “Most of my students have not had the opportunity to play an instrument nor can their families afford one for home. They are hard-working and eager to be able to play instruments. The school provided some of the guitars for the students, but it is not enough for everyone that would like to sign up or have already signed up to fit class size.” Every donation counts – both financially and in-kind – in making students successful and being able to have the opportunity to play an instrument for the first time. One of the most direct ways to pay it forward is to make a donation to the General Fund and watch it work! “I am very excited and grateful to have the privilege of working with these young and bright individuals every day. [However], I have a lot of students who are eager to play instruments. The school has helped out a lot, but the budget simply is not big enough to cover the cost of enough instruments for all the students who would like to participate in music class,” Haldi says. “Most of my students have never had the opportunity to play a musical instrument before. This would be an amazing investment in my classroom for this year and many years in the future for the strings program at my school. I cannot wait to see how much progress and love for music that they would have if given to opportunity to play these instruments.” Thanks to Joe Bonamassa fans and music lovers like you, Keeping the Blues Alive was able to send Stambaugh Charter ten (10) brand new guitars that they can rotate for the rest of the school year. Ms. Haldi expresses her gratitude: Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, Inc., Thank you so much for supporting my classroom! My students are going to be super excited that they will no longer have to wait to play or share instruments. I will now have enough guitars for every student in my class to participate! I cannot wait to share this amazing new with them. I am very grateful for everyone who donated that made this possible for my classroom. This is their first year having the oppurtunity to learn and play instruments. With gratitude, Ms. Haldi Keeping the Blues Alive is a 501c3 organization that makes a donation to a school in need of music instruments, supplies, sheet music, and more every week! Your donations help us keep music in schools, while preserving blues heritage. In order to keep the ball rolling, we appreciate your donations to keep music education funding alive in schools across the country. If you would like to help us to continue to make an impact on music education in America, click here to make a donation! All donations are fully tax-deductible and go to a GREAT cause! Thank you for supporting music education for the next generation!

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