Barlett, IL – Thanks to your donations this week, Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation made a great donation to an elementary classroom.

“Only the best is good enough for a child.” – Zoltan Kodaly. This quote is appropriately displayed in Mrs. Kutschke’s classroom, because in her class, the students come first.
As a general music and chorus teacher, Mrs. Kutschke has her hands full.
“One of my schools has a very large ESL population and half of the students receive free or reduced price breakfast and lunch. Because of the expanding Dual Language program, music class is now held in the teachers’ lounge. Even in the smaller space, the students are very eager to learn, sing, read and write music, do folk dancing, practice drumming, and play Orff instruments,” she explains.
Keeping the students actively engaged is a task, but with her new IPEVO whiteboard system, she will be able to improve her lesson quality and engage with students on a more intimate level.
“Having used an interactive whiteboard in a previous school, I have seen how these boards can engage students, making the learning more exciting and effective. Given that many of my students are still learning English, this visual tool will help them immensely. The iPevo Interactive Whiteboard system is portable, so my students at both schools can benefit from it.”
Using the whiteboard, students will be able to see larger visual aids for composing music and partake in interactive classroom games and activities.
Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation,
I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation. I am grateful, joyful, and eager to begin planning for instruction with the iPevo system. With your donation, my classroom can become even more student-centered. My students will be very excited to use this gift every week in Music class.With the iPevo system, my students in both schools will be able to have more engaging lessons. ELL students will have the visuals they need, and all students will benefit from the interactivity we will have in our music literacy and exploration activities.I can’t wait to share the iPevo system with my students in the fall. I know that they will be eager to join me in thanking you, and to share with you pictures of us using our new tool in the classroom!With gratitude,
Mrs. Kutschke
To fund next week’s music project click here!