Blues News

Donation of the Week

The Composers de Campobello!

campobello, sc – Thanks to your donations this week, Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation was able to donate plenty of materials to the students at Campobello-Grambling Elementary School in Campobello, SC!

07-ktba-donation-news#28-instagramMrs. Pym, the school’s music instructor, said her students were “excited to create sound stories with picture books and handheld percussion instruments.” They were motivated, engaged learners in this rural SC public school and elementary students come to music class once a week to enjoy integrating music with other subjects they are learning.

“I am fortunate to teach in an environment with students that love to learn!” Mrs. Pym added.

With the picture books like The Girl Who Heard Colors and There Was a Tree and handheld percussion instruments, her students will be able to compose sound stories. Additionally, they will get to integrate percussion instruments into books, creating their own musical composition. Students will get to perform their sound stories to other students in younger grades.  After receiving the funds for her project, Mrs. Pym left us with a little note expressing her gratitude:

Dear Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, Thank you thank you thank you for your interest our classroom! I am so excited to have handheld percussion instruments that my students can share! This will serve to provide enough instruments so we have an entire class set – no more waiting for your turn! My older students will enjoy composing accompaniments to use with our picture books. This will reinforce our skills of reading and writing music as we work to compose our own pieces. Thank you for giving us the tools we need to continue to be successful! With gratitude, Mrs. Pym

We could not do these donations without your help!

To make a donation to next week’s project, click here!

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